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The API welcomes Proclamations, Resolutions issued nationwide recognizing the Assyrian New Year


The API welcomes the proclamation issued by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker declaring April 1, 2022 as Assyrian New Year Day in Illinois "to express the appreciation for the vibrancy, tenacity, and contributions of the Assyrian-American community and to join in celebrating the Assyrian New Year."

In a legislative initiative backed by the Illinois Assyrian Caucus, co-chairs State Senator Ram Villivalam and State Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz have filed resolutions in both the Illinois State Senate and the Illinois House of Representatives recognizing the Assyrian New Year. From Illinois Senate Resolution 949: "We express our support for the Assyrian community and the preservation of a vibrant history and heritage rooted in ancient traditions; and be it further resolved that we declare April 1, 2022 as 'Assyrian New Year Day' in the State of Illinois in honor of our fellow Illinois residents who celebrate their heritage on this day."


A proclamation issued by State Rep. Justin Wilmeth in the Arizona House of Representatives formally recognizes the Assyrian New Year in the state of Arizona. We join with Assyrian-Americans in Arizona in commending the Assyrian American Cultural Organization for their leadership in promoting the cultural importance surrounding the observance of the Assyrian New Year. From Rep. Wilmeth's proclamation: "The Assyrians are a proud and resourceful people who are productive members of American society and enrich American culture by contributing their talents in numerous fields, including accounting, aerospace, agriculture, architecture, and its arts, education, engineering, finance, medicine, motion picture entertainment, and politics."


Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring April 2022 as Chaldean-American heritage month, noting "the Chaldean/Assyrian/Syriac people are a community of rich tradition and culture who enrich Michigan's cultural tapestry and prosperity."

Note: In our work and public policy advocacy, the Assyrian Policy Institute uses the term "Assyrian" cross-denominationally to include members of the various sects, including the Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, and Syriac Catholic Church; however, we recognize some members of the community prefer to identify with their ecclesiastical designations and respect their right to self-identify.


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